Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 8 5/19/09 (Cormac)

We ended up finding out that the campsite we were planning on staying at is closed. But the very same person who tells us this offers to let us stay on her and her husbands ranch (her name is Karen).

It is a pretty serious slog up Wauconda pass, but we make it, and find Karen and Les in their gorgeous log cabin on hundreds of acres of forest, and pasture land. Les gives us the skinny on how to Ranch, and explains his beef with environmentalists--they are a bunch of city folks who don't live in the wilderness, so when they come out here they want to treat it like a play ground, but, really, if they just took care of the land around them, and lived in ways that didnt require so much pollution things would be a lot better. We didn't feel like arguing with him, and found it very interesting to hear his side of the argument.

We pitched a tent on his thick, soft grass, and slept like logs (as usual).

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